17th FIAP World Cup for Clubs 2022 获胜者 Winner club: Rolls Royce (Derby) Photographic Society -United Kingdom
裁判 Mr. Marcel van BALKEN, MFIAP, EFIAP/d3 FIAP Liaison Officer Netherlands; Mr. Mohammed MORCHIDI, ESFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer Morocco; Mrs. Martina VASSELIN, EFIAP, ESFIAP, FIAP Liaison Officer Chile
Awards by clubs - FIAP World cup winner club 获胜者: Rolls Royce (Derby) Photographic Society - United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Aktar Attacks by Brian Stephenson United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Ethereal Beauty by Katrina Mee United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS European Bee Eaters 2 by Jamie MacArthur United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Forward Pike by David Keep United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS His Mistress Voice by Carol McNiven Young United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Hoopoe Landing by Jamie MacArthur United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS In the Money by Sue Hartley United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS In the Workshop by Neil Humphries United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Kunieda Serves by Brian Stephenson United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Lesser Redpoll Pair in Winter by Gianpiero Ferrari United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Maximum Effort by Marlies Chell United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Mayhem in the Dust by David Cudworth United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Memories of Childhood by Neil Humphries United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Nuthatch Perched on Fly Agaric by Gianpiero Ferrari United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Reverse Dive by David Keep United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Portrait of a PoetSueHartley by Sue Hartley United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Silent Prayer by Jon Mee United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS The Bounty Hunter by Jon Mee United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS To Sleep Perchance to Dream by Carol McNiven Young United Kingdom FIAP WORLD CUP FOR CLUBS Waiting in the Wings by KatrinaMee United Kingdom 查看更多
Individual awards - FIAP World cup winner's FIAP gold medal - individual award Take My Hand by FrancisKing Canada FIAP silver medal - individual award Victorians Walking the Dog by Eddie Cocozza United Kingdom FIAP silver medal - individual award Rhythmic Gymnast with ribbon by Katie Mak Canada FIAP bronze medal - individual award Meeting by Irma Szabó Hungary FIAP bronze medal - individual award Fire Young Boy From Konso by VeliAydogdu Türkiye FIAP bronze medal - individual award With The Mask by PandulaBandara Sri Lanka Honourable Mention 1 - Individual award Little Girl 11 by SaurabhBhattacharyya India Honourable Mention 2 - Individual award Spoilt for Choice by Simon Roberts United Kingdom Honourable Mention 3 - Individual award Queen Of The Kingfishers by Paul Cheetham United Kingdom Honourable Mention 4 - Individual award Without words by Csilla Bolvari Hungary 查看更多